Thursday, October 11, 2012

It is not hard to be nice...

  I have been sick for a week now, and still managed to be nice to my family and get my stuff done around the house!
Every morning I get up at 5:50 and start breakfast and get together my husband and daughters lunches for the day. This is my job, so I do it without complaint!

This morning:
   I wake up my daughter so she can take her shower, then she climbs back in bed for about 20 min... then I go back to making breakfast and packing lunches.
Then I wake my husband for the 5th time or so, his alarm has been going off for about 20 min and he is just ignoring it. He has to be at work at 7am it is 6:30... I go kiss him on the forehead and say "wake up beautiful your breakfast is ready"... he grumbles and rolls over like a little kid.I go to get my daughter back up out of her bed (Yes I know 13 year old girls can be bitchy) I turn on her light and grab her brush so I can brush her hair. As I brush the tangles from her hair, I ask her how she slept, she gripes that I should have turned the heater up she was cold, I apologize even though she knows how to use the thermostat, she complains that I am pulling her hair (it is a tangled mess cause she didn't condition it... besides that she is old enough to do her own hair) and that she is still tired and tells me just to be quiet cause she is tired... I go back to wake up husband again, it is now 6:45... again I get grumbling, again he rolls over... I am in a predicament because I am going to get griped at for him being late since he works for my dad... I tell him again what time it is, he says "Damn't woman, I am up" finally climbs out of bed at 6:52 and leaves for work at 7:18...
   Everyday I start my day with 2 very grumpy individuals, I can't be in a bad mood in the morning, so I choose not to... this goes on in my household every morning. It is disheartening to know they start their day off wrong all the time!

   It is not hard to wake up on the right side of the bed! It is a choice you make. I do it everyday... I am sick and although I have managed to get a few extra hours of sleep while they were at work and school all week, I have still kept our home clean, done all the laundry, and made every meal. I shouldn't have to, it would be nice to be offered some help, but this is my job... so I do it regardless of how I feel. I honestly believe you can and should choose to start your day off right everyday, and that you should treat your loved ones with love and a smile when you see them. Especially when you have to start your days off together!


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